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Vacation Bible School - Volunteer Registration is Open!

Vacation Bible School 2025 - True North - Trusting Jesus in a Wild World - will be 9 a.m. to noon Monday, July 28, through Friday, August 1! Volunteer registration opens Friday, February 14. Many volunteers, doing many jobs before and during the week of VBS, are needed to share Jesus with the participants.
Sign up HERE. Participant registration will begin March 14.


Children's Ministry

Beautiful Savior Kids, for children from age 3 to fifth grade, will be learning about God’s great love for us in Christ through Simply Loved! Check in at the table in the Commons, near the gym/Family Life Center doors, where parents and children receive matching security nametags.


Sunday Schedule

Children are invited at 9:45 a.m. to a large group/small group kids ministry environment with age-based groups. Nursery care is available for ages 0-4 during worship and ages 0-2 during Kids Ministry. We will be ready to receive children as early as 9:35 a.m.


Nursery care is available during the Sunday worship services throughout the year.


Wednesday Schedule

Family-friendly dinners served 5:30-6:15 p.m. in the Commons (inside Door A). Freewill offering.
All meals have a gluten-sensitive option and a dairy-sensitive option when possible.


Elementary Wednesdays are full of games and activities for grades K-5! Check in at the gym
between 6 and 6:30 p.m. Our winter theme will have a sports and we will see what we can learn about God on our team! Attendees are welcome to stay or leave as needed during the evening, wrapping up by 8 p.m.


Little Lambs, for children ages 0-4 and their parents, is 6-6:45 p.m. on the second and fourth Wednesdays
of the month in the Church Nursery. This craft and play time is a way for parents to connect with each other while growing the faith of their little ones.


Parents! Check the options for connection with others in your stage of family life on the Group Life page.


About Beautiful Savior Kids

Every child needs to know they are created and loved unconditionally by a great God!

At Beautiful Savior, we value kids and their relationship with Jesus. We recognize the challenges parents face every day, and are here to partner with you in the adventure of raising children in today’s world.
For kids from age 3 to fifth grade, the Beautiful Savior Kids program uses intentional,
age-appropriate teaching so each child can experience the love of God, engage in real conversations about faith, and learn what it means to live for Jesus at home, school, the sports field, dance studio, playground – or wherever life takes them!

We use a classroom check-in and check-out system to ensure each family has peace of mind while their kids are in our programs. All of our volunteers and staff members working with kids are required to complete background checks before working in our programs.







Contact Madi Patrow at or 763.235.7647
to learn more about Children's Ministry and Beautiful Savior Kids.






Beautiful Savior subscribes to RightNow Media so you can have free access to Bible studies
and fun kid-safe content! Reach out to if you’d like an invitation to set up your account.



We believe the Gospel is a free gift, not a rule to follow, task to accomplish, or goal to work toward. We believe the Gospel is a freeing power for daily living. We believe the Gospel is Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. Lastly, we believe the Gospel is for you and for all people.The unexpected good news that Jesus’ sacrificial death frees you from sin and offers you a Christ-filled life now and in the world to come (John 3:16).




5005 Northwest Blvd.

Plymouth, MN 55442


Church Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday


Child Development Center Hours:

7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday

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