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Mission Partners


CarePortal partners with social service agencies and churches to meet the needs of vulnerable children and families. Agency workers submit vetted needs to church response teams, including Beautiful Savior, which gives the opportunity to care for families in crisis in Hennepin County.

Need: Donations (household, clothing, or groceries) driving/delivery, funding. Volunteers choose their capacity.


Good in the 'Hood

Collection of goods throughout the year, including socks, shoes, food, and gift cards. Beautiful Savior also partners with SoleCare for Souls, which provides basic foot care and friendship.

Need: Congregational donations during the drives, volunteer opportunities with SoleCare, sorting shoes and assisting at food shelf.



Ministry to teens in Plymouth with a mission to end hopelessness among teens. Treehouse works on mentorship, support groups, and establishing meaningful relationships and hosts programming at BeautifulSavior on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.


Beautiful Savior partners with Zachary Lane and FAIR Pilgrim Lane elementary schools to provide weekend food packs to children in need. This involves a 45-minute commitment on Fridays to deliver the meals. There is also opportunity to pack the meals at the EveryMeal facility on a sign-up basis.
Need: Seven people willing to deliver meals on Fridays.


Trinity First

Beautiful Savior provides pizza and snacks to 30 pre-kindergarten students and serves lunch to K-8students once or twice a month on Fridays, serves a monthly pizza dinner for a parent educational program for60 people and collects money to provide snacks for the after-school program.
Need: Three volunteers to serve lunches on Fridays. Time commitment is approximately 10:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.Trinity seeks volunteers for after-school programs, one-on-one tutoring, family education nights, teacher assistance,cleaning help, special events, and programming.


Meals on Wheels

Beautiful Savior is responsible for four routes on the third Friday of the month, plus a rotating fifth Friday of the month once a year, through the Meals on Wheels program operated by CEAP in the northwest suburbs. There is also the opportunity to help pack meals at CEAP in Brooklyn Center.

Need: Two to four more volunteer drivers.


Crystal Women's Clinic

Crystal Women's Clinic helps women at risk make an informed pregnancy decision and provides free clinical services (pregnancy tests and ultrasounds), referrals, material aid, counseling, and mentoring programs. Beautiful Savior helps raise funds for services through the Walk for Life, golfing fundraiser, and a baby shower collection event in January. Info/support:
Need: Support for fundraising events and baby shower collection.


Global Mission Opportunities


World Vision

Team Beautiful Savior is running the 2024 Twin Cities Marathon, with Team World Vision, to help provide life-changing clean water to children and communities in developing countries. Learn more about the team and support the runners by clicking the logo.


Alaska Mission

Beautiful Savior takes a mission team to Haines, Alaska, annually to partner with Pastor Matt and Alaska Mission for Christ. The team helps with service projects in people’s homes and the Chilkat native community.
Mission Dates: Typically, a nine-day mission trip in May.

Peru Mission

Beautiful Savior takes a mission team to Chilca, Peru, annually to build relationships with the city, local church, and the community by building/distributing wheelchairs, connecting with people at an eyeglass clinic, visiting at senior centers and orphanages, and helping as needed.
Mission Dates: Typically, an eight-day mission trip in January/February.


Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child: Through Samaritan’s Purse, Beautiful Savior shares the Good News of Jesus Christ by packing a shoebox of gifts for children in need. Every November, we join this worldwide effort to deliver Christmas Joy to those with few resources. Beautiful Savior serves as the collection site for the west metro area.

Need: Shoeboxes full of love and volunteers to help collect boxes during the eight days of collection.


Bible Faith Lutheran Ministries to India

Bible Faith Lutheran Ministries to India cares for orphaned children at Moriah Children’s Home, educates 250 students annually from preschool through high school at Moriah School, supports 40 Lutheran churches, mostly in rural villages, and provides seminary training and continuing theological education to pastors. The ministry also supports the translation of the Lutheran Study Bible notes into the major Indian languages, with five in working stages and one scheduled for completion in 2024.
Need: Volunteers are needed to help support this ministry from home or by visiting in India.  


Lutheran Women in Mission

Lutheran Women in Mission is an organization that encourages women to use their God-given gifts to support missions. The Beautiful Savior and Northwest Suburban Zone women participate in service events, prayer and fundraising for the national, state, and local missions. The current MN South District mission goal of $270,000 funds 13 Minnesota mission grants.
Need: Participation in service projects and Mite contributions.


Beautiful Savior also has many "homegrown" missions that help in our community. These include Comforting Yarns, Mission Canning, Quilters, and the Community Garden. To find out more about any of these great opportunities, email


Click logo to visit mission partner.

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We believe the Gospel is a free gift, not a rule to follow, task to accomplish, or goal to work toward. We believe the Gospel is a freeing power for daily living. We believe the Gospel is Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. Lastly, we believe the Gospel is for you and for all people.The unexpected good news that Jesus’ sacrificial death frees you from sin and offers you a Christ-filled life now and in the world to come (John 3:16).




5005 Northwest Blvd.

Plymouth, MN 55442


Church Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday


Child Development Center Hours:

7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday

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