Spiritual Care
Spiritual Care Ministry involves sharing God's love and grace with those in difficult situations in life and offering support and encouragement through God's word and prayer. This takes place through our Visitation Ministry, through specialized materials to support those dealing with cancer, and through support groups for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one and for those who are separated or divorced. There are many opportunities to become involved in Spiritual Care Ministry, either by serving in these ministries or receiving care yourself.
Kay Christoffersen,
Care Connections Minister
Call/text: 763.489.8044
Email: kchristoffersen

Support Groups
GriefShare is a video-based, Christian grief recovery support group. Those who have suffered the death of a loved one are welcome to attend. A new 13-week group begins each fall and spring. You may begin at anytime throughout each cycle, as each session is self-contained.
GriefShare meets at 6-8 p.m. on Mondays in Room 120/121.
The winter/spring session is from February 3 to April 28. You can register HERE.
For more information about GriefShare, click here or watch the video.
Surviving the Holidays
This two-hour seminar is like a typical GriefShare meeting, with a short video followed by small-group discussion. Surviving the Holidays provides encouragement, support, and valuable tools to navigate the season. The next seminar date is TBD.
Loss of a Spouse
This two-hour seminar is like a typical GriefShare meeting, with a short video followed by small-group discussion. The video features expert Christian counselors, authors, and pastors, including new interviews with some favorites from the GriefShare curriculum. The next Loss of a Spouse seminar is TBD. To register, click here.
DivorceCare is a video-based, Christian support group for those who are separated or divorced.
A 13-week group begins in the fall and spring. You may begin anytime, as each session is self-contained.
DivorceCare meets at 6-8 p.m. on Tuesdays in Room 120/121.
The winter/spring session is from February 4 to May 6. You can register HERE.
For more information about DivorceCare, click here or watch the video.
Cancer Support Group
Whether you are a cancer patient, a cancer survivor, family, or caregiver, we are here to support you. The Cancer Support Group will meet at 9 a.m. on Saturdays, March 15, April 12, and May 10, in the Resource Room. ​Please contact Kay Christoffersen for more information.
Visitation/Prayer Ministries
Visitation Ministry
When you are hospitalized, ill, recovering, grieving, or in other difficult circumstances in life, we would like to "be there" for you by sharing encouragement and God's love through a ministry of presence. If you would like a visit in any type of situation or setting, please contact Kay Christoffersen.
Prayer Ministry
We are here for your prayer concerns. Our prayer team supports Beautiful Savior’s ministries and people in prayer and wants to pray for you. Please share your prayer request with Kay Christoffersen at kchristoffersen@beautifulsaviorlc.org and note whether you’d like the team to hold the information privately or if you’d like the request to be shared in the church newsletter and prayers of intercession.